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DCMS and VisitBritain agree terms of tourism strategy review
The DCMS and VisitBritain have agreed the terms of reference for the tourism strategy review announced secretary of state James Purnell, which will focus on how VisitBritain can best deliver its four core objectives.
VisitBritain’s main strategic aims are to market England at home and overseas; market Britain overseas; support the development of national tourism policies and the resolution of key national tourism issues and to secure the tourism benefits of the 2012 Olympic Games.
The review will be chaired by VisitBritain’s Christopher Rodrigues and will report back to ministers in summer next year.
It will look at the appropriate balance of online expenditure and overseas representation and the relative importance of individual markets.
The review will also look at areas such as sustainable tourism, the visitor experience and infrastructure, where a national leadership role is called for.
A detailed implementation plan will be put in place in association with the travel industry to best make use of the Olympics.
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