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CSP Network invests in board training programme in bid to improve governance

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Doncaster Culture and Leisure Trust
£47,000 - £50,000pa + pension + generous benefits package
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Everyone Active
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The nationwide network of 45 County sports Partnerships (CSPs) has invested in a board development programme over the past 12 months to better connect its members and to “ensure that the right culture is embedded” in governance.

The training programme, supported by Sport England, has included networking events, training workshops and webinar sessions on topics such as board recruitment, effective governance, and the future direction of CSPs.

The sessions, which were facilitated by business management consultancy Campbell Tickel, have been recorded to provide a resource for future CSP board members.

“There are approximately 450 board members across the CSPs who make a huge commitment to the CSP Network and collectively they have a wealth of experience and skills,” said Richard Saunders, chair of the CSP Network Board. “We recognise the significant role that they play, particularly the chairs, in setting the strategic direction for the CSP, ensuring that the right culture is embedded and providing performance oversight.

“High governance standards will be even more important as part of the new government and Sport England strategies, and we want to make sure that CSPs are looking ahead and are fit for the future.”

Other initiatives the Network has carried out as part of its board development programme include surveys of annual partner satisfaction, staff satisfaction and financial performance; mentoring packages; a training needs analysis tool; and an internal online hub for sharing information and resources.

Eleven new board members were appointed to the CSP Network board in June after its 2015 governance review called for a “skills-based” board to “move the organisation forward”. Candidates were chosen for their respective experience in enterprise, social impact, customer engagement and digital technology.

In August, a review published by the Sports Think Tank director Andrew Reid found that a number of CSPs will have to improve their “strategic leadership” capabilities and work with a wider range of partners to fulfil the government’s strategy for sport.

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The nationwide network of 45 County Sports Partnerships (CSPs) has invested in a board development programme over the past 12 months to better connect its members and to “ensure that the right culture is embedded” in governance.